Online dating cornwall
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Dating > Online dating cornwall
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Your email address is kept private and is not given to other members or any third party. Judith Lathlean, a 67-year-old, Oxford-educated professor, made headlines in December last year when she courageously revealed how she had paid £140,000 to a man she met on a dating site but never met face to face. Yet another benefit of online dating is for the singles who find meeting new people a challenge, be it because of a lack of confidence or otherwise.
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Dating fraud is becoming more sophisticated, more successful — and more devastating to its victims. Using a fake profile on the popular dating site Match. The victim, a company director in her 40s who lived in West London, never met Christian face to face. She believed he was working on a project in Africa. The first payment was she thought a loan to buy specialist equipment to help him finish the project and get home. The next was apparently to settle a police fine. On the basis of just these scant facts, it seems incredible that a well-educated, successful and responsible woman would even consider handing over her life-savings to an apparent stranger — and yet chilling details from the trial hint at the sophisticated brainwashing involved. There was the well-thumbed copy of the seduction handbook The Game by Neil Strauss found in the home of one of the conmen. Police also found a copy of For You, My Soul Mate by Douglas Patel, a book of heartfelt messages to share between lovers. A few transcripts of exchanged messages revealed the mind games and guilt trips that were used. Using age-old marketing techniques, Christian created a picture of their life together so real that the victim actually went house-hunting for the two of them. The life he described would all be theirs, if they could just get those few final obstacles out of the way… Dating fraud is becoming more sophisticated, more successful — and more devastating to its victims. According to police, such fraud increased by 16 per cent in 2014-15, with recorded losses of more than £33 million. Though this is only the tip of the iceberg: the majority of victims are too embarrassed and ashamed to report what has happened to them. When such stories do reach the press, victims tend to be middle-aged women. Judith Lathlean, a 67-year-old, Oxford-educated professor, made headlines in December last year when she courageously revealed how she had paid £140,000 to a man she met on a dating site but never met face to face. The majority of victims are too embarrassed and ashamed to report what has happened to them. In fact, James was a gang of Nigerian fraudsters who were later convicted. Middle-aged women, however, are not the only victims. They may have larger amounts of money to lose and subsequently be more prepared to act as a cautionary tale to others, but men and women, young and old, are equally likely to succumb to romantic fraud. In partnership with police, Whitty has much experience working with the victims. The strategies these fraudsters use are highly sophisticated. She is now able to stand back and see just how she was manipulated. Judith joined a dating site last year — one which matches your values, personality and lifestyle with other members and scores them accordingly. They were both Christians, both placed high value on honesty and trust, and were both nearing retirement and looking for someone to start a new life with. In this way, dating sites can unwittingly help fraudsters, matching them to someone caring and ready to trust them and believe their stories. Sad back stories also feature heavily. When Judith messaged John, there was a two-week wait before he replied. He claimed he was adopted and his father was very ill in South Africa. This man — another John, another Christian — was in the military, stationed in Iraq and unable to Skype or phone for security reasons. The more time you spend in that world, the more isolated you are from reality. Then there were songs. It reminds me of you. He sent love poems. Dating fraudsters will also try to take victims out of their comfort zones — often asking for sexual pictures and videos — partly to test their control, but also to have something to use against them. Felix would email her, too. When he had an accident and needed surgery, Sara paid for it. Then he needed treatment for cholera. Sara paid about £1,000 in all. For Sara, it was the chance to be a mother that hooked her in. For Judith, it was the prospect of someone to retire with. Her response was to cut contact and volunteer for Scam Survivors. However much time you spent with a scammer, you can expect to spend at least double that time recovering. And with each victim, they learn and improve their psychological technique. Anyone can fall for it. The scammers just need to find the right button to press. Their profiles often stress their honesty, their Christian background and the importance of trust. They may have raised a child alone or lost a child. They could be adopted or they may be nursing parents through illness. CHANGING YOUR HABITS They aim to keep you messaging all hours of the day and night. This helps remove you from real life and allows them to take up more space in your head. It weaves a spell that hurries the relationship into a period of hyper-intimacy. MIRRORING They want to know everything about you — your favourite food, your bucket list, your secret fears... They then come up with very similar responses, only slightly different. Browns and greens are my favourite colours. CUTTING YOU OFF Any outsider can break the spell and question your actions. TAKING YOU OUT OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE to test their control and have something to use against you. It could be getting you to take part in explicit exchanges or send sexual videos. It could also be around payments. BUILDING A DREAM Perhaps he is on the edge of retirement or about to leave the military and build a new civilian life; perhaps he was widowed years ago and only now feels able to start again.